
English, Productivity Tivara Tanudjaja English, Productivity Tivara Tanudjaja

5 Ways to Stay Productive This Summer

Summer is coming around real soon. It’s time to kick back, soak in the sun, and relax after a hard semester’s worth of work and studying. But have you ever felt like the summer holiday passes you by, the days leaving you feeling lethargic and lazy? The long holiday break is a great time for some well-deserved rest. However, that doesn’t mean you don’t have to do anything!

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English, Productivity Tivara Tanudjaja English, Productivity Tivara Tanudjaja

Using Your Boredom for Creativity

Have you ever come up with a really great idea because you were bored and wanted to do something fun? It may come as a surprise, but being bored can actually be good for us and we can even use it to our advantage to spark our creativity and get productive (according to a study published in the Academy of Management Discoveries).

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English, Productivity Tivara Tanudjaja English, Productivity Tivara Tanudjaja

Improve Your Focus with Music

Have you ever had a bad day, but listening to music makes it all better? There’s something in the way that music—more specifically, sound waves—affects our brains that not only entertains us, but can actually make us feel better. It can help us relax, relieve us of our stress, or even get us excited and energized.

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Indonesian, Productivity Rachel Lucia Sendjaja Indonesian, Productivity Rachel Lucia Sendjaja

‘Mengapa kami harus memilih kamu dan bukan kandidat lainnya?’ - Tips menjawab pertanyaan jebakan saat interview

Pernahkah kamu mendapatkan pertanyaan ini saat sedang interview? Di luar sana, tentu saja ada banyak orang yang bisa mengalahkanmu, entah karena kemampuan yang dimilikinya lebih unggul, jam terbangnya lebih tinggi, atau pengalamannya lebih berwarna. Simaklah beberapa tips untuk menemukan alasan yang tepat mengapa kamu lebih pantas daripada orang kompeten lainnya.

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English, Productivity Tivara Tanudjaja English, Productivity Tivara Tanudjaja

Using Powerful Verbs In Your Resume

Writing and creating a resume for the first time—or even the 10th time—can be confusing and difficult. You may have amazing experiences and skills, but how do you show it off to your future employers? How do you stand out among hundreds and hundreds of other people who may be just as qualified as you are?

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Indonesian, Productivity, Self Improvement Rachel Lucia Sendjaja Indonesian, Productivity, Self Improvement Rachel Lucia Sendjaja

Istirahat: Kunci Produktivitas

Dalam hidup yang serba cepat, mungkin kamu seringkali merasa sulit untuk beristirahat. Bekerja lembur tanpa henti mungkin memberimu rasa nyaman dan puas, karena kamu mengira tingkat produktivitas yang kamu miliki tinggi. Namun, kenyataannya tidak seperti itu. Saat kamu menjadikan istirahat sebagai teman baik, kamu akan merasakan banyak manfaat baik itu dalam aspek kesehatan, kreativitas, dan kinerja.

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English, Productivity Tivara Tanudjaja English, Productivity Tivara Tanudjaja

Parkinson’s Law

According to the Oxford dictionary, Parkinson’s Law is “the notion that work expands to fill the time available for its completion.” To put it simply, how long it will take you to finish a task (writing an essay, reading a book, drafting emails) depends on how much time you have to do it.

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