
English, Self Improvement Rachel Lucia Sendjaja English, Self Improvement Rachel Lucia Sendjaja

Learn from Jeff Bezos!

For those of you who may not know, Jeff Bezos is the founder of a large company called Amazon. I am an Amazon fan. Jeff Bezos, the man behind “The Everything Store,” is a tireless man in realizing his vision. He left several important lessons, especially in the aspects of entrepreneurship, innovation and customers.

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English, Self Improvement Rachel Lucia Sendjaja English, Self Improvement Rachel Lucia Sendjaja

Learn from Elon Musk!

I'm sure that no one in this world would turn down the opportunity to learn from Elon Musk. What a career! Elon Musk is one of the most creative and innovative men today. He dedicates his life to creating new technologies that benefit the world. So, what can we learn from Elon Musk?

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English, Study Tips Rachel Lucia Sendjaja English, Study Tips Rachel Lucia Sendjaja

5 Tips Hadapi Nilai Jelek

Sekolah cukup menegangkan. Dengan begitu banyak tekanan untuk melakukannya dengan baik, nilai buruk dapat dengan mudah mengubah hari menjadi suram. Tetapi sebenarnya tidak harus seperti itu. Kamu dapat melanjutkan hari dan belajar lagi. Kamu bisa berencana untuk melakukan yang lebih baik di kesempatan lainnya.

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English, Study Tips Rachel Lucia Sendjaja English, Study Tips Rachel Lucia Sendjaja

5 College Majors for Sports Lovers

One fact about sports that we all have to accept and face is that very few people are going to make it as a professional athlete. However, if you like sports and becoming a professional athlete is not your main goal, you don't need to worry because there are still many things you can learn about the sport. Check out this article to get 5 majors about sports that you can choose at the college level.

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English, Study Tips Tivara Tanudjaja English, Study Tips Tivara Tanudjaja

5 Things to Consider When Choosing Your College

Narrowing down your list of colleges that you want to attend can get difficult, especially when the time comes for when you have to choose just one. Other than school reputation and prestige, there’s actually a lot more that goes into a college. You’re going to stay there for at least the next 3 to 4 years, so why not take everything into consideration? Here’s a few things you can think about when you’re choosing which college you want to go to!

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English, Productivity Tivara Tanudjaja English, Productivity Tivara Tanudjaja

Senior Year Checklist

Congratulations class of 2023! You’ve made it to your senior year, aka your last year in high school. Senior year is an exciting time, but it can also be daunting when you think about your next steps after graduation. But worry not! Here’s a little checklist you can follow throughout the school year to make sure you’re on track with preparing college applications and planning your future.

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Self Improvement, English Tivara Tanudjaja Self Improvement, English Tivara Tanudjaja

Journaling Towards Progress

Journaling isn’t just for poets and writers… it can be a helpful practice for Y-O-U! Not only is it a liberating feeling to write down your thoughts onto paper, but it can also help you track progress and release stress. If you’re looking for a new self-care practice to help you relax and self-reflect, try journaling!

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English, Self Improvement Tivara Tanudjaja English, Self Improvement Tivara Tanudjaja

5 Healthy Mental Health Practices

Mental health is a term that’s been thrown around quite often these last couple years. But what is it really? “Mental health” refers to the overall wellbeing of your mind and psyche—basically, your psychological health and wellbeing. It involves how you feel about yourself, how you manage those feelings, how you deal with difficulties, the quality of your relationship with yourself and others, and more…

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English, Study Tips Tivara Tanudjaja English, Study Tips Tivara Tanudjaja

5 Biographies You Should Read

Reading biographies is a great way to learn from others who have paved a way that impacted the world. Not all biographies are of famous people, but that doesn’t mean that their lives were not influential. You never know what you might learn from these inspiring stories. You may even find that you can relate to some of their challenges and victories.

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English, Study Tips Tivara Tanudjaja English, Study Tips Tivara Tanudjaja

College Dorm Packing Essentials

Fall is just around the corner, so that means those of you going to college this year are just about ready to pack and leave for school! Packing for your freshman year in college can be quite stressful, especially if you’re going overseas. But there are a few essentials you should pack to make life a little easier when you get to college.

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English, Study Tips, Self Improvement Tivara Tanudjaja English, Study Tips, Self Improvement Tivara Tanudjaja

5 Ways to Beat the Stress

We all know what it’s like to be stressed. Maybe it’s the last day to study for your final exams, the last few hours before you have to turn in your essay, or the last couple minutes before you enter into a job interview. I think we can all agree that stress is not fun. So here are a few tips to help you reduce stress no matter what situation you’re in!

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English, Book Review Tivara Tanudjaja English, Book Review Tivara Tanudjaja

Shoe Dog by Phil Knight

We’ve all had crazy ideas, haven’t we? Maybe most times we dismiss them, thinking they’re just that—crazy. But *what if* we actually chased after those crazy ideas, and tried to make them happen? Phil Knight, the creator of Nike, said in his memoir “Shoe Dog” that Nike started out just like that: with a crazy idea.

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