5 Healthy Mental Health Practices
Mental health is a term that’s been thrown around quite often these last couple years. But what is it really? “Mental health” refers to the overall wellbeing of your mind and psyche—basically, your psychological health and wellbeing. It involves how you feel about yourself, how you manage those feelings, how you deal with difficulties, the quality of your relationship with yourself and others, and more.
When we’re stressed or sad, we may not be in the best place, mentally and psychologically. So, here’s a few things you can do to relieve some stress and take good care of your mind!
Photo by Yuyeung Lau on Unsplash
Have face-to-face connections
In a day and age where we’re constantly on our phones, meeting people face-to-face is a breath of fresh air. It takes us away from technology and instead, allows us to physically interact with people. Seeing people smile and hearing them laugh in person can be a great mood booster!
Stay active
If you are still in school or have an office job, you’re most likely sitting around most of the day. Try getting up and moving your body for a little bit. Get out and do something that can take your mind off of your work or studies. Regular exercise has been proven to help you sleep better, improve your memory, and even relieve stress!
Here’s a few ideas:
Go on a run / walk
Take bike ride
Take a hike
Do a HIIT workout
If exercise is not your thing, try a wellness practice like yoga, meditation or even some breathing exercises. These can help you slow your breathing and calm your heart rate when you’re panicked or worried!
Boost your brain with food
Food can not only make your tummy happy, but it can make your brain happy too! The next time you’re feeling down, try eating fatty fish rich in omega-3s, nuts (almonds, peanuts), avocados, beans, leafy greens (spinach, kale), and fresh fruit (blueberries, strawberries).
Take a break from social media
Most people take a break from social media occasionally, while others do it regularly (monthly or weekly). You know your needs best. If social media constantly stresses you out, then maybe try taking a break from it. If you see that it helps, then maybe you can incorporate it to your lifestyle. Remember, these practices are not to punish you, they are to help you! Do what helps you feel relaxed and happy 🙂