Common Latin Abbreviations in English

Latin may be a dead language, but did you know that there are still quite a few Latin abbreviations we still use everyday in the English language?


Latin: ante meridiem

Translation: before midday

Usage: to indicate times during the morning (before noon, 12 p.m.)

Example: My first class of the day starts at 9 a.m.


Latin: post meridiem

Translation: after midday

Usage: To indicate times during the afternoon (starting at noon, 12 p.m.)

Example: I can meet you for dinner at 6 p.m.

ca. / c.

Latin: circa

Translation: around, about, approximately

Usage: Used with dates to indicate “approximately”

Example: The vases found in the attic is from ca. 1800.

et al.

Latin: et alii, et alia, et alibi

Translation: and others, and co-workers, and other things, and other places

Usage: Used to indicate other people (prefferred over “etc.”). Most commonly used in academic citations when the published work is written by multiple authors.

Example: The published article was written by David Jones et al.


Latin: et cetera

Translation: and the others, and other things, and the rest

Usage: Used at the end of a list to indicate other and similar items are included. Refers to objects, not people.

Example: I need to go to the mall and buy some new shirts, skirts, pants, etc.


Latin: exempli gratia

Translation: for example, for instance

Usage: Used to introduce an, or multiple, examples. Must be followed by a comma: e.g.,

  • If the e.g. phrase appears within another sentence, enclose it with parentheses () or commas (,) as long as what follows after e.g. does not form an independent clause.

  • If the e.g. phrase appears at the end of the sentence, enclose it with parentheses () or commas (,). But if the e.g. phrase introduces an indpendent clause (complete sentence), use a semicolon (;).


  • We’ve had many interesting pets over the last few years, e.g., chinchillas, guinea pigs, and parrots.

  • There are some ingredients that every kitchen needs (e.g., cooking oil, salt, and pepper).

  • The public pool is closed when the weather conditions are poor; e.g, a thunderstorm is approaching.


Latin: id est

Translation: that is, in other words

Usage: Used to restate or clarify information or a previous statement. Must be followed by a comma: i.e.,

  • If by using i.e. an independent clause (complete sentence) is formed, use a semicolon (;) to join the two independent clauses.

  • If the i.e. independent clause falls within another sentence, use either parentheses () or dashes (—) to surround the i.e. independent clause.


  • The store decided to give every customer a discount; i.e., 25 percent.

  • My usual coffee order (i.e., a hot cappuccino with oat milk) tasted weird today.


Latin: sic erat scriptum

Translation: thus it was written

Usage: To indicate that something incorrectly written was written as is, and is being intentionally left as it was written. (Usually in brackets, often italicized.)

Example: She wrote in her article, “They made there [sic] own beds this morning.”

**”There” should have been written as “their.” But because of the [sic] indication, we know that it was intentionally left written incorrectly.

vs. / v.

Latin: versus

Translation: against

Usage: “Against” (in sports or legal use), or as opposed to


  • The Boston Celtics vs. Chicago Bulls basketball game today was an exciting one to watch!

  • In the Roe v. Wade court case, the Supreme Court established a woman’s legal right to an abortion.

lb. (singular) / lbs. (plural)

Latin: libra

Translation: scales

Usage: To indicate the pound (a unit of mass)

Example: We are having many guests over for dinner today; we need 5lbs. of meat.


Latin: modus operandi

Translation: method of operating

Usage: A particular way or method of doing something. In criminology, M.O. refers to a criminal’s method of operation.

Example: Jack the Ripper’s m.o. is so recognizable, and yet the Ripper himself was never caught or identified; his crimes remain unsolved.


Latin: nota bene

Translation: note well

Usage: Used to emphasize an important point or call special attention to something. Usually written in upper case, or capital, letters: N.B.

Example: The plane will depart at exactly 10 a.m. tomorrow. N.B.: Tickets cannot be exchanged or refunded.

per cent.

Latin: per centum

Translation: for each one hundred

Usage: Today, it is commonly known as “percent,” symbolized by %

Example: That university has a 23 percent acceptance rate.


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