Learn from Elon Musk!

Elon Musk is one of the most impactful business icons of the 21st century. After Steve Jobs died, Elon Musk took a leading position in the realm of visionary business leaders.

I'm sure that no one in this world would turn down the opportunity to learn from Elon Musk. What a career! Elon Musk is one of the most creative and innovative men today. He dedicates his life to creating new technologies that benefit the world. So, what can we learn from Elon Musk?

1 - Read, read and read

Someone asked Elon Musk, “You don't have any degree related to aeronautics (aviation science) but you managed to found SpaceX, the most successful private rocket company. How can you do it?” Elon Musk replied, “I read a lot!”

Since childhood, Elon Musk has been an ambitious reader. He believed that everything on this earth could be learned by himself. There is an interesting story about Elon Musk that you should know. He has been to Russia several times to ask for help designing SpaceX rockets. None of the Russian scientists took him seriously. They reject the wild ideas raised by Elon Musk.

This rejection prompted Elon Musk to learn how to design a rocket. He flew back home, read a lot of books, and tried all kinds of experiments. Finally, SpaceX was successfully founded. Even though Elon Musk is a genius, we can learn that reading habits will make us have more insight and knowledge. With extensive insight and knowledge, we can train ourselves to think critically and creatively. So with that in mind, we can strive to achieve our goals.

2 - Collaborate on ideas

Maybe we always think that the innovations that have now been successfully made are the result of ideas that have been thought out carefully by someone. But in fact, Elon Musk's work demonstrates the strong value of collaboration.

Elon Musk combines two different ideas to create something new. He associated 'space travel' with 'traveling', 'preservation' with 'cars', and 'human brain' with 'computers'. The ideas sparked by Elon Musk are not all reasonable, but they are very innovative and have a high probability of being realized in the future.

When we feel we don't have new ideas, we can try to relate old ideas in new ways to find a new and better solution. Do you want to buy a new car? Think of ten ways you can get it. No idea is too outlandish. All the ideas that arise will push your brain to collaborate on these ideas. By applying this method of thinking, we will get used to a broader way of thinking, which will certainly be very beneficial for our daily lives.

3 - Do things according to your passion, but also explore yourself through your interests

Elon Musk immerses himself in his interests and passions. But on the other hand, he has a high level of interest or interest in many things. Elon Musk's passion is technology, but he has interests in studying space travel, the internet, sustainable energy, and transportation. With these interests, he managed to make his company grow. More importantly, he successfully developed his skills.

We are often asked to study one particular field until we become experts. Narrowing down our field of study until we find one specific thing we can contribute to society sounds all too familiar. We are never told that we don't actually have to do this. Because as it turns out, learning new things leads us to learn new skills and new ways of interacting with the world.

What are you interested in? Are there interests that you left because you were too busy exploring your passion? Have you ever thought that the interests you have are not profitable at all? It's best if you leave room for the things that interest you, because you never know when they might turn into something extraordinary.

4 - Not afraid of failure

Usually, the main reason why we don't succeed in getting what we want is because we are afraid of failure. We don't approach people we like out of fear of rejection. We don't apply for jobs to dream companies for fear of not being able to do a good job.

Elon Musk is someone who is no stranger to failure. It feels like failure is a best friend in the course of his career. He has twice failed to launch SpaceX rockets and ended up losing $60 million. In addition, Elon Musk has also experienced economic problems because of Tesla and other companies he has invested in.

For Elon Musk, the fear of failure is normal, but having the courage to take the step and the determination to continue on in spite of failure is what makes a person stand out.

In addition, the key to Elon Musk's success is tolerance for the pain that comes from failure. He never cared about failure and was always able to endure any pain to overcome any challenges he faced.

Elon Musk has the extraordinary ability to quickly rise from difficult times. He can work under great pressure. Elon Musk admits that his ability to tolerate extreme pain stems from his difficult childhood.

So, if we really want to experience extraordinary success, we must be prepared to experience all kinds of pain and use it as motivation not to give up.

5 - Get as much criticism and input from others as possible

Most people are afraid to get harsh criticism from others. They are also difficult to listen to and accept the input given. In contrast to Elon Musk, who always seeks as much criticism and input as possible as a way to improve business.

Elon Musk claims that well-thought-out criticism has invaluable value. Criticism, when received in the right spirit, can point out weaknesses that we need to work on and teach us how to improve. Constantly seek criticism. A well thought critique of what you are doing is as valuable as gold. -Elon Musk

For that, don't be afraid or hesitate to ask for criticism and input from others, especially people we trust. However, make sure these people do have a good and right frame of mind. We should ask for an honest opinion about the results of the work, also embrace ourselves to accept every word they say with an open heart and mind. After getting criticism and input, we must also understand what they are saying and then seriously consider it. By having the courage to do this, we will continue to learn and sharpen our abilities.


Let's use the 5 lessons above to become a better person every day. All the lessons we get from Elon Musk can encourage us to keep trying to achieve our dreams.


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