Senior Year Checklist

Congratulations class of 2023! You’ve made it to your senior year, aka your last year in high school. Senior year is an exciting time, but it can also be daunting when you think about your next steps after graduation. But worry not! Here’s a little checklist you can follow throughout the school year to make sure you’re on track with preparing college applications and planning your future.


  • Figure out what you want to major in (you don’t have to figure it all out right now, but at least have an idea of what you may want to study)

  • List the colleges you want to apply to

  • Research scholarships you can apply for

  • Brainstorm ideas for college essay / start drafting

  • Collect letters of recommendations from teachers, mentors, etc. for college applications

  • Maintain or increase your GPA


  • Mark deadlines for: early-action application, regular applications, fees, etc.

  • Begin writing drafts of college essays and personal statement

  • Get started on early-action application

  • Take or register for the SAT and/or ACT and TOEFL

  • Attend college fairs

  • Go on college campus tours


  • Take the SAT and/or ACT and TOEFL

  • Continue writing and revising college essays and personal statements

  • Meet with your guidance counselor to develop a college admission plan

  • Get access to forms you need to submit for college applications

  • Finalize portfolios and resume if required for college applications


  • Complete applications by each deadline

  • If needed, re-take the SAT and/or ACT and TOEFL

  • Complete applications for scholarships you are eligible for

  • Follow up on recommendation letters from your teachers or counselors (that they’ve been submitted)

  • Focus on your grades and GPA: maintain them or increase them if needed


  • Finalize all admissions applications

  • Watch for any early admissions notices (email, mail, etc.)

  • Research other deadlines for the school you plan to attend (housing applications, school-specific forms and applications, vaccination forms, etc.)

  • January

  • Keep pushing through! Don’t let senioritis make you unmotivated and lazy.

  • Keep all deadlines: scholarships, any forms needing submission, etc.

  • February

  • Prepare for AP (Advanced Placement) or College level class exams

  • Continue to research and apply for scholarships

  • Continue being mindful of your deadlines!


  • List top colleges you want to attend — narrow down your choices

  • Look for a summer job or internship if that’s something you’re interested in

  • Keep a lookout for acceptance letters!


  • Compare financial aid award letters

  • Keep a lookout for any scholarships you’ve been awarded

  • Make your final school decision and pay deposit as required

  • Plan for class registrations, school orientation, roommate selection/ housing, etc.

    • Mark your calendar for any school-specific events or deadlines


  • Finalize summer plans

    • Make your travel plans according to any summer orientation or other school-related events

  • Make note of any deadlines during the summer

  • Make sure all your final transcripts will be sent to your chosen college

  • June

  • Make sure all paperwork is complete (applications, forms, etc.)

  • Register for any school-related events: classes, orientation events, etc.

  • Get to know other students who are going to your chosen college. Check out Facebook groups and/or pages, contact your roommates if you already know who they are, etc.

  • Prepare for college and start packing

    • Buy all necessities

    • Pack according to the weather


5 Things to Consider When Choosing Your College


Journaling Towards Progress