3 Positive Mindset Changes
We’re so used to seeing the world a certain way that sometimes, we can get stuck! A quick mindset change can allow you to get out of your rut, help you to think outside the box, and push you to grow and learn. Here’s 3 mindset changes you can start implementing now!
Photo by Madison Oren on Unsplash
Change will happen with or without you
As humans, it’s in our nature to fear change. For most of us, we have this idea that change is not good, and we’ll do anything to stop change. But actually, growth cannot happen without change. Think about it this way, if you constantly stay within your routine and comfort zone, how will you expect to learn something new and gain new skills? Even a caterpillar has to undergo a process of changing to become a butterfly! Who would’ve thought that an insect that has walked on legs its whole life could eventually become a creature with wings?!
You never know where the next season of life may take you. Change is scary, there’s no doubt about that. But don’t avoid it! When you know change is coming no matter what, you may be better prepared for whatever comes next. If you’re constantly avoiding change at all cost, when change comes (because it will!) you’ll be taken off guard and won’t be able to adapt as well as you could have if you just accepted that things change.
We’ve all heard that things change and people change. And, even though sometimes it hurts, it’s okay that they do change. Sometimes, holding on hurts us even more. Holding on to painful memories, toxic relationships, stressful expectations, etc. can really harm us and inhibit our paths to success. Allow change to come, and allow it to change you as well. Don’t be afraid of change. See it as a stepping stone—an opportunity to grow into someone better!
Allow yourself to be humble and vulnerable
Humility and vulnerability may not be the first words that come to mind when you think of a strong and successful leader. But actually, humility and vulnerability are great qualities to have whether you’re a leader or someone who’s just starting on the journey towards success (whatever success means for you).
Being humble and vulnerable allows you to listen to others and to see other perspectives. If you’re stubborn and unwilling to give others a chance to speak and influence you, you may never learn from others. There will come a time when you can’t just rely on your understanding and skill sets alone. You need others—we humans are relational beings. Allow others to help you. Asking for help is not a sign of weakness, and neither is humility nor vulnerability. Actually, people may praise you for your kind and humble spirit. Allowing yourself to be vulnerable and humble actually means you have the courage to know yourself and your capabilities and/or limits.
So, learn from others. Depend on others when you can, and you might just learn a thing or two from them! Humility and vulnerability fosters a connection between you and others, which you need if you want to be a good leader.
Imagine the inevitable
It can be scary to think about the inevitable—the worst possible outcome for something (your career, your school grades, your project, etc.)—but actually, it can help you prepare to avoid it or even fix it if the inevitable does come. It’s basically like thinking backwards. You want to avoid problems? Then think about all the problems that could happen and find solutions for it. If you have a business, think about what could make your business fail. Is it your products? Its quality? Or maybe the people you work with? By identifying “worst possible outcomes” you’re actually preparing to avoid them!
Even better, by thinking about these questions now, you could start brainstorming things that could make it better! Hence, you’re working towards a “better” or “best possible outcome!” Don’t be afraid of things going wrong, or even thinking about things going wrong. There’s no way you’re going to do everything perfect all the time. You will make mistakes. That’s human. But if you’re prepared to make those mistakes, you know how to respond and solve them when they do happen!