7 Tips Mencari Pekerjaan untuk Lulusan Baru
Mencari pekerjaan bisa menjadi sebuah tugas yang membuat banyak orang frustrasi, terutama bagi para ‘pendatang baru’ yang baru saja lulus kuliah dan ingin memasuki dunnia kerja. Artikel ini akan membahas tips yang bisa digunakan oleh fresh graduates dalam berburu pekerjaan.
Apps You Need As A Student
As students, we are so used to our phones and other digital devices as distractions from our learning and study times. It’s so easy to get dragged down a rabbit hole, scrolling through social media posts, minutes turning into hours…
5 tips to set up your desk for success
You may not think it’s important, but how you set up your desk can actually affect your productivity, concentration, and even performance. Setting up your desk isn’t just about the aesthetics and making it look good, but it’s about making it less cluttered and a much more enjoyable space for you to do work at…
“Tell Me About Yourself” — How to nail this question in an interview
“Tell me about yourself.” That’s often the first question you will get asked when you’re interviewing for a job. Most employers want to know who they are hiring. This question is a way for them to get to know you as a person outside of your resume…
7 Ways to Stay Productive on School Holidays
Liburan sekolah sudah ada di depan mata. Masa-masa yang paling diharapkan semua murid sekolah atau mahasiswa, termasuk kamu salah satunya. Apakah kamu sudah membuat perencanaan tentang bagaimana kamu akan menghabiskan liburan ini?
5 Playlist Musik yang Bikin Kamu Produktif!
Mendengarkan musik adalah kesukaan banyak orang. Bahkan bagi beberapa dari mereka, musik bisa menjadi sebuah alat untuk meningkatkan produktivitas. Artikel ini akan memberikan beberapa pilihan playlist yang bisa kamu coba dengarkan. Siapa sangka, kamu bisa menjadi orang yang lebih produktif akibat musik.
5 Karakteristik dari Lingkungan Kerja yang Positif
Mencari sebuah pekerjaan bukanlah hal yang mudah. Ada banyak bahan pertimbangan yang harus direnungkan terlebih dahulu. Artikel ini akan membahas 5 karakteristik dari salah satu aspek terpenting yang harus dipikirkan saat mencari kerja, yaitu lingkungan. Simak terus!
7 super foods that can increase your productivity
Although eating these foods will not make you any smarter or help you use your time better, it could give your brain an extra boost of energy to help you focus for a longer period of time…
Tips For Asking For Letters of Recommendation
If you’re a senior applying for college, or looking to prepare for college soon, a letter of recommendation may not be on the top list of things for you to prepare. But it’s definitely something you should be thinking about because colleges will be asking for it when you’re applying for different schools (or if you’re applying for jobs as well).
3 Sites You Need for Book Study Guides
Have you ever had to read a book for class, but you simply can’t finish it? Maybe you just simply don’t understand what’s going on, or you’ve procrastinated…
Here are a few sites you could visit that will offer you not only summaries of books, but also notes and study guides.
Common Capitalization Errors to Avoid
Capitalizing proper nouns and names may be second nature to you, but some common capitalization “rules” can easily trip you up. Have you made any of these capitalization mistakes recently?
10 Habits Productive People Have
Staying on task without being distracted, especially in this digital age, can be very difficult. Being productive is actually more than just checking off everything on your to-do list. In fact, sometimes, to be more productive, you have to start doing less.
How A Kindle Can Help You Study
Believe it or not, a Kindle is not just the perfect tool for someone who loves reading. It’s actually a great tool for studying!
5 English Idioms You Should Know
English is hard enough, and when you add idioms into the mix, English can get a whole lot more confusing. Here are a few idioms you should know that could help you speak and understand more of the English lingo.
5 Ways to Stay Productive This Summer
Summer is coming around real soon. It’s time to kick back, soak in the sun, and relax after a hard semester’s worth of work and studying. But have you ever felt like the summer holiday passes you by, the days leaving you feeling lethargic and lazy? The long holiday break is a great time for some well-deserved rest. However, that doesn’t mean you don’t have to do anything!
What’s the Difference: Architect vs. Civil Engineer ?
Although an architect and civil engineer are similar, they are not entirely the same. Maybe you are trying to figure out which is a better fit for you. Let me help…
10 Productive Things to Do on School Holidays!
Selama liburan sekolah, tentu saja kamu bisa bermain, menonton film, atau hang out dengan teman-teman. Namun, ada banyak hal produktif yang bisa kamu lakukan selama liburan sekolah. Apa saja hal-hal tersebut?
Writing Your College Essays This Summer?
Are you a rising senior and thinking about applying to colleges soon? One of the things you have to tackle when applying for colleges is writing an essay.
Can The Color Blue Really Make You Memorize Better?
Have you ever heard someone tell you to take your notes in blue ink because it will help you memorize them better? Maybe you don’t believe it entirely, but you take notes in blue for a big final exam, so as to not take the risk…
10 Common English Mistakes
Whether you’ve been speaking English your whole life, or you’re just learning the language, here are some common mistakes you can avoid.