
English, Study Tips Tivara Tanudjaja English, Study Tips Tivara Tanudjaja

5 Things to Consider When Choosing Your College

Narrowing down your list of colleges that you want to attend can get difficult, especially when the time comes for when you have to choose just one. Other than school reputation and prestige, there’s actually a lot more that goes into a college. You’re going to stay there for at least the next 3 to 4 years, so why not take everything into consideration? Here’s a few things you can think about when you’re choosing which college you want to go to!

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English, Study Tips Tivara Tanudjaja English, Study Tips Tivara Tanudjaja

5 Biographies You Should Read

Reading biographies is a great way to learn from others who have paved a way that impacted the world. Not all biographies are of famous people, but that doesn’t mean that their lives were not influential. You never know what you might learn from these inspiring stories. You may even find that you can relate to some of their challenges and victories.

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English, Study Tips Tivara Tanudjaja English, Study Tips Tivara Tanudjaja

College Dorm Packing Essentials

Fall is just around the corner, so that means those of you going to college this year are just about ready to pack and leave for school! Packing for your freshman year in college can be quite stressful, especially if you’re going overseas. But there are a few essentials you should pack to make life a little easier when you get to college.

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English, Study Tips, Self Improvement Tivara Tanudjaja English, Study Tips, Self Improvement Tivara Tanudjaja

5 Ways to Beat the Stress

We all know what it’s like to be stressed. Maybe it’s the last day to study for your final exams, the last few hours before you have to turn in your essay, or the last couple minutes before you enter into a job interview. I think we can all agree that stress is not fun. So here are a few tips to help you reduce stress no matter what situation you’re in!

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English, Study Tips Tivara Tanudjaja English, Study Tips Tivara Tanudjaja

3 Sites You Need for Book Study Guides

Have you ever had to read a book for class, but you simply can’t finish it? Maybe you just simply don’t understand what’s going on, or you’ve procrastinated…

Here are a few sites you could visit that will offer you not only summaries of books, but also notes and study guides.

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English, Study Tips Tivara Tanudjaja English, Study Tips Tivara Tanudjaja

Your Guide to Choosing A Major

Choosing your major for college can be one of the most difficult questions a student can answer. Often, we feel like whatever we choose will be what we have to do for the rest of our lives. Or at least, that’s what society may tell us. But that’s actually not true…

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Indonesian, Study Tips Rachel Lucia Sendjaja Indonesian, Study Tips Rachel Lucia Sendjaja

10 Tips Mempersiapkan Ujian

Ujian bisa sangat menegangkan karena memberikan banyak tekanan pada murid untuk bisa menunjukkan pemahaman mereka dengan baik. Untuk memperoleh hasil yang baik, tentu diperlukan persiapan yang matang. Simak 10 tips ini agar dapat mempersiapkan ujian dengan baik.

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