
English, Productivity Tivara Tanudjaja English, Productivity Tivara Tanudjaja

5 tips to set up your desk for success

You may not think it’s important, but how you set up your desk can actually affect your productivity, concentration, and even performance. Setting up your desk isn’t just about the aesthetics and making it look good, but it’s about making it less cluttered and a much more enjoyable space for you to do work at…

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English, Productivity Tivara Tanudjaja English, Productivity Tivara Tanudjaja

Tips For Asking For Letters of Recommendation

If you’re a senior applying for college, or looking to prepare for college soon, a letter of recommendation may not be on the top list of things for you to prepare. But it’s definitely something you should be thinking about because colleges will be asking for it when you’re applying for different schools (or if you’re applying for jobs as well).

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English, Study Tips Tivara Tanudjaja English, Study Tips Tivara Tanudjaja

3 Sites You Need for Book Study Guides

Have you ever had to read a book for class, but you simply can’t finish it? Maybe you just simply don’t understand what’s going on, or you’ve procrastinated…

Here are a few sites you could visit that will offer you not only summaries of books, but also notes and study guides.

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English, Productivity Tivara Tanudjaja English, Productivity Tivara Tanudjaja

5 Ways to Stay Productive This Summer

Summer is coming around real soon. It’s time to kick back, soak in the sun, and relax after a hard semester’s worth of work and studying. But have you ever felt like the summer holiday passes you by, the days leaving you feeling lethargic and lazy? The long holiday break is a great time for some well-deserved rest. However, that doesn’t mean you don’t have to do anything!

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English, Study Tips Tivara Tanudjaja English, Study Tips Tivara Tanudjaja

Your Guide to Choosing A Major

Choosing your major for college can be one of the most difficult questions a student can answer. Often, we feel like whatever we choose will be what we have to do for the rest of our lives. Or at least, that’s what society may tell us. But that’s actually not true…

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English, Productivity Tivara Tanudjaja English, Productivity Tivara Tanudjaja

Using Your Boredom for Creativity

Have you ever come up with a really great idea because you were bored and wanted to do something fun? It may come as a surprise, but being bored can actually be good for us and we can even use it to our advantage to spark our creativity and get productive (according to a study published in the Academy of Management Discoveries).

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English, Book Review Tivara Tanudjaja English, Book Review Tivara Tanudjaja

How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie

Do you ever notice that when you spend too much time with someone, you begin to pick up on their habits? Maybe it’s the way they speak, the slang they use, or even their hand gestures and sense of style. We’re naturally drawn to people we like, and subconsciously begin to imitate them a little bit. Dale Carnegie used this human phenomenon to explain how people can people influence others by changing their own behaviors.

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English, Productivity Tivara Tanudjaja English, Productivity Tivara Tanudjaja

Improve Your Focus with Music

Have you ever had a bad day, but listening to music makes it all better? There’s something in the way that music—more specifically, sound waves—affects our brains that not only entertains us, but can actually make us feel better. It can help us relax, relieve us of our stress, or even get us excited and energized.

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