Apps You Need As A Student
As students, we are so used to our phones and other digital devices as distractions from our learning and study times. It’s so easy to get dragged down a rabbit hole, scrolling through social media posts, minutes turning into hours…
10 Habits Productive People Have
Staying on task without being distracted, especially in this digital age, can be very difficult. Being productive is actually more than just checking off everything on your to-do list. In fact, sometimes, to be more productive, you have to start doing less.
How A Kindle Can Help You Study
Believe it or not, a Kindle is not just the perfect tool for someone who loves reading. It’s actually a great tool for studying!
Can The Color Blue Really Make You Memorize Better?
Have you ever heard someone tell you to take your notes in blue ink because it will help you memorize them better? Maybe you don’t believe it entirely, but you take notes in blue for a big final exam, so as to not take the risk…
10 Tips Mempersiapkan Ujian
Ujian bisa sangat menegangkan karena memberikan banyak tekanan pada murid untuk bisa menunjukkan pemahaman mereka dengan baik. Untuk memperoleh hasil yang baik, tentu diperlukan persiapan yang matang. Simak 10 tips ini agar dapat mempersiapkan ujian dengan baik.
5 Tips for Dealing with a Bad Grade
School is stressful enough. With so much pressure to do well, a bad grade can easily turn your day sour. But it doesn’t have to... you can move on and learn. And plan to do better next time.
Improve Your Focus with Music
Have you ever had a bad day, but listening to music makes it all better? There’s something in the way that music—more specifically, sound waves—affects our brains that not only entertains us, but can actually make us feel better. It can help us relax, relieve us of our stress, or even get us excited and energized.
7 Langkah Persiapan Kuliah Arsitektur
Menjadi seorang arsitek bukanlah hal yang mudah. Banyak tantangan yang harus dilalui, baik itu selama perjalanan kuliah atau bekerja. Jika kamu ingin kuliah arsitektur, kamu tidak perlu khawatir dan takut untuk gagal. Di sisi lain, fokuskan perhatianmu pada 7 hal yang bisa kamu persiapkan sebelum masuk kuliah.
Study Smart Hacks! How you don’t always have to study hard.
Belajar dalam waktu yang lama tapi materi pelajaran tidak ada yang terserap dengan baik. Kita semua pernah berada dalam momen ini. Apakah kamu pernah bertanya-tanya apa yang bisa kamu lakukan supaya bisa menjadi lebih baik dalam pelajaran? Apakah kamu pernah berpikir kamu harus belajar lebih keras?