Learn from Steve Jobs!
Steve Jobs has become an inspiration for many people. He sets a good example and challenges us to see the world in a different light and live a better life.
5 Biographies You Should Read
Reading biographies is a great way to learn from others who have paved a way that impacted the world. Not all biographies are of famous people, but that doesn’t mean that their lives were not influential. You never know what you might learn from these inspiring stories. You may even find that you can relate to some of their challenges and victories.
Belajar dari STEVE JOBS!
Sosok Steve Jobs telah memberi teladan yang baik dan menantang kita untuk melihat dunia dengan sudut pandang yang berbeda. Berikut merupakan beberapa pelajaran dari Steve Jobs yang akan selalu saya coba untuk ingat seumur hidup.